Teaching and research assistantships

The department offers teaching assistantships (dependent on student demand) and research assistantships (dependent on faculty member research funding) to all qualified graduate students. Graduate students who hold a quarter-time graduate appointment or greater receive a tuition scholarship that covers 100% of tuition.

Graduate students in HHP are typically awarded half-time appointments which require 20 hours of classroom and/or laboratory instruction per week. The annual stipend for teaching assistants is $21,360. MS students receive a maximum of two years of funding while PhD students receive a maximum of four years of funding.

New incoming graduate students are typically awarded a TA appointment. More advanced PhD students may also be awarded an RA appointment.


Graduate students are encouraged to pursue research fellowships that provide them with the necessary time to complete their research objectives.

University of Iowa fellowships

National fellowships


The Department of Health and Human Physiology is pleased to announce the availability of several student scholarships. We invite students to apply for these scholarship awards starting Dec. 1. 

All scholarship applications are due by Feb. 1 at 4:30 p.m.

The Graduate College

The Graduate College offers a wealth of information about funding for graduate students through additional methods. You can learn more about funding your education on their site: