This academic year brought new challenges for students and faculty, but it also brought opportunities to learn new ways to connect. With many courses moving to a virtual format, students and faculty have discovered innovative means of forming new communities. Many courses were designed around the “flipped classroom” model, where students independently watch lectures online and then participate in in-class discussions. “This alternative model proved to be well-suited for online platforms, letting students feel productive and connected in class,” says Associate Professor Melissa Bates. The HHP Department’s Gisolfi seminar moved online in the Spring of 2021. We’ve been joined by our colleagues from across the country, and the seminar has had record-breaking attendance. Moving office hours and experiential learning To Zoom has also led to an uptick in the number of students meeting with faculty. While we certainly look forward to being together in-person in the Fall semester, the last year has given the Department an opportunity to innovate and adapt to the challenges we have all faced together. Increased digital networking has given us the potential to increase the visibility of our department. We look forward to working together to develop exciting ways to integrate these new lessons into the future success of the HHP Department.