Degree: BS Human Physiology, Minor in Spanish
Year: 2019
Hello Hawkeyes! I graduated from Iowa in 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in Human Physiology and a minor in Spanish, on the Pre-Med track. Recently, I received a Master of Arts in Medical Sciences from Loyola University–Chicago. I am currently in the process of applying to medical school and will be working at a COVID-19 testing site and laboratory in the meantime.
I am thankful that the HHP curricula not only led me to faculty who taught me about the functions of the human body, but also to faculty who first exposed me to concepts in Public Health. I am inspired by the intersection of the two disciplines and know that the knowledge of both will better help me serve others in the future. Some of my favorite courses included Physiology of Aging, Physiology of Nutrition, and Exercise Physiology. Relating Physiology to more specific concepts helped me understand the subject matter better.
Some advice I have for students is to compose and send that email! Whether it be to join a laboratory or shadow a professional, there are mentors all over campus who are excited to help you achieve your potential. I can admit that I was nervous to do this, especially during my freshman and sophomore year, but once I began reaching out, I quickly discovered my motivation for pursuing a career in the medical field. Within the HHP department, I had faculty who were familiar with my career goals and have supported me in that regard. My other piece of advice, for all students, is to spend the summer in Iowa City if afforded the opportunity. It is the same beautiful place, but a whole new feel. During my summers in Iowa City, I gained clinical exposure at the hospital, continued my volunteering, and became more immersed in the community through the events put on by the city.