Our research shapes how society approaches health and wellness.
Research is essential to our mission in the Department of Health and Human Physiology.
Our faculty are regularly recognized with university, collegiate, and disciplinary honors for the impact of their innovative research on their fields. They publish widely, and receive significant federal grant funding, in addition to generous support from private donors. They serve their disciplinary organizations as journal editors, board members, and administrators.
Most importantly, they mentor our students at all levels, teaching them the career-building research skills and methods that will advance human knowledge in the generations to come. Faculty members welcome student inquiries about joining their labs as researchers.
Learn more about Department of Health and Human Physiology research:

New pediatric play lab opens as part of child life and therapeutic recreation programs
This semester marks the opening of the new Pediatric Play Lab, located in the Field House on the west side of the University of Iowa campus.

CLAS faculty member Anna Stanhewicz receives $3 million NIH grant
The National Institutes of Health has awarded Anna Stanhewicz a substantial grant to further her research in gestational diabetes.