Jennifer Rogers
- Human physiology
- Exercise physiology
Post-doctoral fellowship
Integrated Physiology (Cardiovascular Physiology), The University of Iowa
Courses taught
- HHP:1100 Human Anatomy
- HHP:1310 Human Physiology Lab
- HHP:2310 Nutrition & Health
- HHP:3400 Applied Exercise Physiology
- HHP:3500 Human Physiology
- HHP:3550 Human Physiology with Lab
- HHP:3555 Lab for Human Physiology
- HHP:4390 Understanding Human Disease
Educational/research interests
Human physiology, exercise physiology, cardiovascular physiology, sex differences in physiological function, physiological indices associated with eating disorders
Student readiness for learning, incorporation of effective teaching/learning strategies and course design, undergraduate physiology curricular development, professional development of undergraduate and graduate students
Recent activities
- Physiology Majors Interest Group (P-MIG): Current Leadership
- Website:
- Conference Presentation: A Snapshot of Undergraduate Physiology -- From the Students Themselves (P-MIG 2nd Annual Meeting, June 2018)
- Poster Presentations:
- “Hey Teacher, How Do I Get An "A"?" Using Self-Reflection Activities to Shift the Conversation from Grades to Learning (P-MIG 2nd Annual Meeting, June 2018)
- Faculty Survey Results Following the 2017 Physiology Majors Interest Group (P-MIG) Inaugural Meeting (P-MIG 2nd Annual Meeting, June 2018)
- Course Delivery Format, Content Knowledge, and Motivation Factors in Undergraduate Human Physiology (Institute for Teaching and Learning / American Physiological Society, June 2018)
- Current State of Physiology Undergraduate Degree Programs and Curricula: Survey Results from the Physiology Majors Interest Group Inaugural Meeting (Experimental Biology, April 2018)
- Physiology Educator Community of Practice (PECOP) Blogs
- Beyond Content Knowledge: The Importance of Self-Regulation and Self-Efficacy (February 2018)
- The Emerging Role of Fixed-Term, Non-Tenure Teaching Faculty in Higher Education (March 2016)
Green M., Rogers J., Nguyen C., Blasko K., Martin A., Hudson D., Fernandez Kong K., Kaza Amlak Z., Thimmesch B., Thorne T (2016). Cardiac risk and disordered eating: decreased R wave amplitude in women with bulimia nervosa and women with subclinical binge/purge symptoms. European Eating Disorders Review, 24(6), 455-459.
Green M., Rogers J., Ohrt T., Nguyen C., Blasko K., Martin A. Attentional bias to weight-related stimuli in disordered eating: cardiac and affective indicators (2016). Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 35(1), 21-44.
Rogers, J., Summers, R. W., Lambert, G. P. (2005). Gastric emptying and intestinal absorption of a low-carbohydrate sport drink during exercise. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metabol, 15, 220-235.
Rogers, J., Sheriff, D. (2005). Is there a threshold duration of vascular occlusion for leg reactive hyperemia? J Appl Physiol, 99, 1272-1277.
Sheriff, D. D., Mendoza, J. R. (2004). Passive regulation of cardiac output during exercise by the elastic characteristics of the peripheral circulation. Exerc Sport Sci Rev, 32(1), 31-35.
Rogers, J., Sheriff, D. D. (2004). Role of estrogen in nitric oxide- and prostaglandin- dependent modulation of vascular conductance during treadmill locomotion in rats. J Appl Physiol, 97, 756-763.
*This manuscript was an Editor's Choice to be Open Access
J. Rogers, K. Blasko, M. Dreeszen, J. Moraski, T. Ohrt, C. Nguyen, and M. Green. Autonomic dysfunction in women with bulimia nervosa, women with subthreshold binge/purge symptoms, and asymptomatic women. American College of Sports Medicine Meeting, 2013.
J. Rogers and D. Sheriff. Sexual dimorphism in cardiovascular regulation is dependent upon intact baroreceptor function. American College of Sports Medicine Meeting, Med Sci Sport Exerc, 40(5) Supplement: Abstract #816, 2008.
J. Rogers and D. Sheriff. Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone: gonadal hormones modulate the autonomic and myogenic responses to treadmill locomotion in rats. Experimental Biology Meeting Abstracts, FASEB J, 21: Abstract #907.8, 2006.
J. Rogers and D. D. Sheriff. Is there a threshold duration of vascular occlusion for leg myogenic responses? Experimental Biology Meeting Abstracts, FASEB J, 20: Abstract #688.28, 2005.
J. Rogers and D. Sheriff. Influence of progesterone on hemodynamics during treadmill locomotion in rats. Integrative Biology of Exercise (APS), The Physiologist, 47 (4): Abstract #20.16, 2004.
J. Rogers and D. D. Sheriff. Nitric oxide contributes to gender differences in vascular responses to treadmill locomotion in rats. Experimental Biology Meeting Abstracts, FASEB J, 19: Abstract #477.3, 2004.
J. Rogers and D. D. Sheriff. Nitric oxide does not influence the time course or magnitude of blood flow recovery following exercise. Experimental Biology Meeting Abstracts, FASEB J, 18: Abstract #341.19, 2003.
J. Rogers and D. D. Sheriff. Hindlimb blood flow and vascular conductance during treadmill locomotion in rats: influence of gender. Experimental Biology Meeting Abstracts, FASEB J, 17: Abstract #LB14, 2002.
J. Rogers, G. P. Lambert, R.W. Summers, and C.V. Gisolfi. The efficacy of a low-carbohydrate sports drink on promoting gastric emptying and intestinal absorption during exercise. American College of Sports Medicine Meeting, Med Sci Sport Exerc 32 (5) Supplement, 2000.
J. Rogers and L. Noble. The back handspring on the balance beam: a kinematic comparison of two techniques. American College of Sports Medicine Meeting, Med Sci Sport Exerc 31 (5) Supplement: S359, 1999.
Presenter, Midwest Regional USA Gymnastics Meeting, June 2001. (1) Strength Training in Young Children, (2) Injury Prevention: Finding the Balance between Adaptation and Injury.
Honors and awards
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, 2005-2006
Fellowships and affiliations
- Professional Member, American College of Sports Medicine
- Regular Member, The American Physiological Society
- Section Affiliations: Teaching of Physiology, Environmental & Exercise Physiology, Cardiovascular Physiology; Interest Group Affiliations: Translational Physiology, Sex Gender Research
- Member, Exercise Is Medicine
- Member, Physiology Education Community of Practice
- Member, Life Science Teaching Resource Community
- Human physiology