Kristen Pecora

Adjunct Instructor

Kristen Rooney CV


I received my BA in Psychology, minor in American Sign Language & Deaf Studies, and MA in Leisure Studies with an emphasis in TR/CL all from the University of Iowa. I am a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist and Certified Child Life Specialist. Besides being an adjunct instructor for Human Development Through the Lifespan, I have also previously been in the role of Academic TR Internship Supervisor for the university. I currently work at University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital as a child life specialist. I have been in this role since 2013 and have mainly worked in outpatient areas. I was also briefly involved in a research project looking at effects of treatment on young patients with leukemia. Finally, and most recently, I have become a Secondary Facility Dog Handler to our children's hospital facility dog, Corrin.

Courses taught

  • HHP:2130:0EXW Human Development Through the Lifespan
Research areas
  • Therapeutic recreation/child life