Shawn Flanagan
Courses taught
- HHP:1300 Fundamentals of Human Physiology
- HHP:3250: Human Physiology
- HHP:3450: Immunology in Health and Disease
- HHP:4250: Human Pathophysiology
- HHP:4390: Understanding Human Disease
- HHP:4440: Physiology of Nutrition
- HHP:4450: Genetic Basis of Disease
- HHP:4470 Physiology of Aging
- HHP:5300: Advanced Human Physiology
Educational/research interests
- Free Radical Biology in Health and Disease
- Basic Mechanisms of the Stress Response
- The Impact of Nutrition on Physiology at the whole organism, cellular and molecular levels
Honors and awards
- NRSA Institutional Pre-doctoral training fellowship. Department of Internal Medicine, University of Iowa. 1991-1994.
- Gatorade student research grant. Gatorade Sport Science Institute. University of Iowa. 1994-1995.
- NRSA Institutional Post-doctoral training fellowship. University of Iowa Center on Aging, University of Iowa. 1997-1999.
- Presenter, Oxygen Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 1999.
- Young Investigator Award, Oxygen Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA 2000.
- Invited Speaker, Gordon Research Conference, Ventura CA, 2000.
- Presenter, Oxygen Society Annual Meeting, Raleigh-Durham North Carolina, NC, 2001.
- Young Investigator Award, Oxygen Society Annual Meeting, Raleigh-Durham North Carolina, NC, 2001
Recent publications
Ryan, A.J., S. W. Flanagan, C.V. Gisolfi, P.L. Mosely. Acute Heat Stress Protects Rats Against Endotoxin Shock. J. of Appl. Physiol. 73:1517-1522, 1992.
Mosely, P.L., E. Wallen, D. McDafferty, S. W. Flanagan, J.A. Kern. The 3’ Untranslated Region of the Human 70 kd Heat Shock Gene is a Heat Responsive Element. Am J. Physiol. 264:L533-L537, 1993.
Paulus, J.A., R.D. Tucker, S.W. Flanagan, P.L. Moseley, S.A. Loening, J.B. Park. Heat Shock Protein Response in a Prostate Tumor Model to Interstitial Thermotherapy: Implications for Clinical Treatment. Prostate. 23:263-270, 1993.
Flanagan, S.W., A.J. Ryan, C.V. Gisolfi, P.L. Moseley. Tissue-specific HSP70 Response in Animals Undergoing Heat Stress. Am. J. Physiol. 268: R28-R31, 1995.
Xiaocai, Shi, Summers, R., Schedl,. H.P., Flanagan, S.W., Chang, R.T., C.V. Gisolfi. Effects of Carbohydrate Type and Concentration and Solution Osmolality on Water Absorption. Med Sci Sports and Exer. 27(12):1607-1615, 1995.
Paulus, J.A., R.D.Tucker, Flanagan, S.W., Moseley, P.L. Loening, S.A., J.B. Park. Heat shock protein response in a prostate tumor model to interstitial thermotherapy; Implications for clinical treatment. Prostate. 23:263-270, 1993.
Paulus, J.A., Tucker, R.D., Lesnik, J.J., Flanagan, S.W., Moseley, P.L., S.A. Loening. HSP70 Induction and Thermotolerance Following Interstitial Hyperthermia: the Dunning R3327 tumor in vivo. Urologic Oncology 3(4):103-107, 1997.
Paulus, J.A, Tucker, R.D, Loening, S.A., S.W. Flanagan. Thermal ablation of canine prostate using interstitial temperature self-regulating seeds: new treatment for prostate cancer. J. Endourology. 11(4): 295-300, 1997.
Flanagan, S.W., Moseley, P.L., G.R Buettner,. Increased Flux of Free Radicals in Cells Subjected to Hyperthermia: Detection by Electron Paramagnetic Resonancy Spin Trapping. FEBS Letters, 431:285-286, 1998.
Rugao, L., Baolin, L, Flanagan, S.W., Oberley, L.W., and Mengsheng Qiu. Increasing mitochondrial anti-oxidative activity or decreasing oxygen free radical oxidation prevents mutant SOD1-mediated motor death and delay ALS-like disease progression. J. Neurochem. 80:488-500, 2002.
Flanagan, S.W., Anderson, R.A., L.W. Oberley. Overexpression of MnSOD Attenuates Neuronal Death in Cells Expressing Mutant CuZn SOD. J. Neurochem. 81, 170-177, 2002.
Ahmad, I.M, Aykin-Burns, N., Sim, J.E., Walsh, S.A., Higashikubo, R., Buettner, G.R., Venkataraman, S., Mackey, M.A., Flanagan, S.W., Oberley, L.W., D.R. Spitz. Mitochondrial O2.- and H2O2 Mediate Glucose Deprivation-Induced Oxidative Stress in Human Cancer Cells. J. Biol. Chem. 280:4254-4263, 2004.
Wang, M., Kirk, J.S., Domann, F.E., Zhang, H.J., Schafer, F.Q., Venkataraman, S., Flanagan, S.W., Weydert, C.J., Spitz, D.R., Buettner, G.R., L.W. Oberley. Manganese superoxide dismutase hypoxic induction of hypoxia inducible factor 1a and vascular endothelial growth factor, Oncogene, 24: 8154-8166, 2005.
Zimmerman, M.C, Oberley, L.W., and S.W. Flanagan. Manganese Superoxide Dismuatse Attenuates Mutant SOD1 Cytotoxicity: Role of Superoxide in a Culture Model of Familial-Associated Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Journal of Neurochemistry. 102(3):609-618, 2007.
- Human physiology
- Health studies