Warren Darling

Professor Emeritus

Research interests

Upper limb and fine hand/digit movement control; Mechanisms underlying recovery of fine hand/digit movement control after brain injury; Effects of exercise on movement control and cognitive function in individuals with neurological diseases; How the brain processes visual, vestibular and proprioceptive information to specify location, orientation and motion of objects and the upper limb; Aging effects on sensorimotor function related to control of movement



Publications can be viewed on PubMed, Google Scholar, or the Darling Lab website.


Courses Taught

  • HHP:4130 Skeletal Muscle Physiology 
  • HHP:4470 Physiology of Aging
  • HHP:6130 Advanced Skeletal Muscle Physiology
  • HHP:6300 Seminar in Motor Control
  • HHP:6470 Advanced Physiology of Aging
Research areas
  • Human physiology
Portrait of Warren Darling
PhD, Physiology, University of Western Ontario
Contact Information

University of Iowa
E102 Field House (FH)
225 S. Grand Ave.
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States