Adrienne Johnson

Associate Professor of Instruction
Internship Coordinator

Adrienne Johnson CV


Service interests

Community-based inclusive and therapeutic recreation programming; Animal-assisted interventions; Mental health; Disability


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More information can be found on LinkedIn.


Courses taught

  • URES:1000 First Year Seminar: Un-Leashing the Potential of Animal-Assisted Therapy
  • TR:3163 Concepts and Issues in Therapeutic Recreation
  • TR:3262 Therapeutic Recreation Administration
  • TR:3300 Animal-Assisted Interventions in the Helping Professions
  • TR:4100 Practicum in Therapeutic Recreation
  • TR:4190 Pre-Internship Seminar
  • TR:4191 Therapeutic Recreation Internship
  • TR:4197 Therapeutic Recreation: Experiences in Adaptive and Inclusive Sports
Research areas
  • Therapeutic recreation/child life
This is a photo of Adrienne Johnson
RMCRI Certified Cancer Exercise Specialist
Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist
Contact Information

University of Iowa
E206 Field House (FH)
225 S. Grand Ave.
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States